Better is one day in your judgments
TO THE OVERSEER. ON THE GITTITH. A PSALM OF THE SONS OF KORAH. How beloved Your dwelling places, YHWH of Hosts!
My soul desired, indeed, it has also been consumed, || For the courts of YHWH, || My heart and my flesh cry aloud to the living God,
Even a sparrow has found a house, || And a swallow a nest for herself, || Where she has placed her brood—Your altars, O YHWH of Hosts, || My king and my God.
O the blessedness of those inhabiting Your house, || Yet they praise You. Selah.
O the blessedness of a man whose strength is in You, || Highways [are] in their heart.
Those passing through a valley of weeping make it a spring, || The early rain covers it with pools.
They go from strength to strength, || He appears to God in Zion.
O YHWH, God of Hosts, hear my prayer, || Give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.
Our shield, see, O God, || And behold the face of Your anointed,
For a day in Your courts [is] good, O Teacher! I have chosen rather to be at the threshold, || In the house of my God, || Than to dwell in tents of wickedness.
For YHWH God [is] a sun and a shield, || YHWH gives grace and glory. He does not withhold good || To those walking in uprightness.
YHWH of Hosts! O the blessedness of a man trusting in You.
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